Saturday, January 01, 2005

Bob and I just got home from a trip to Fred Meyer. How come every time I step out the door it seems like hours and hours go by? It is seemingly impossible to make a quick trip anywhere when you have a child. If you take her with you, of course you have to stop for feedings and entertaining and diapers, etc. A recent trip to the mall took four hours! But if you don't take her with you, you have to take her to the babysitter of course, but then you enter this strange non baby time twilight zone, where time just seems to slip through your fingers. I don't know if baby freedom is semi intoxicating or if being sidetracked by all the cute baby items is the culprit, but sometimes this always seems to happen to us. We'll think we have all this time to do stuff, or that we'll be back in just an hour, and before you know it we've begun the next geological era. Why?? Why?


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