Monday, May 14, 2007

Beach at Lummi with the Cousins

Lilli looks on in disgust as Eloise holds a crab.

Monday, May 07, 2007

Lilli and Lanie with their cousin Eloise (thanks to Sarah, Eloise's mom, for the pics)

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Sunday, May 06, 2007

Picture help!

I am still having issues posting pictures. After thinking I had fixed the problem, the next two picture series I posted seemed to disappear again, although mysteriously, the other post I posted with new Blogger doesn't seem to have that problem.

So. I have reposted the pictures uploading directly from blogger rather than using Picasa. If anyone else has figured this out, I would appreciate a hint or two!

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Silly Avery. . .

Silly with spinach goatee. . .

very serious with spinach goatee. . .

Sleeping (again!) mid chew. . .

trying to escape a good book while Lanie helps him out by giving him a push. . .

Best Sisters. . .

Watching tv. . .

Holding hands. . .

In recline. . .

Reading with Grandma Cindy. . .