Tuesday, June 29, 2004

When she's upset she does the cutest things lately with her mouth. It used to be when she was about to cry, she's stick out her bottom lip in a little pout and it was so *CLASSIC*. Sometimes she'd do it in her sleep and it would just make me laugh in the middle of the night (which was very needed). Well, so that was cute, but now she's stopped doing that and instead kind of sticks her tongue between her gums and makes this pathetic little "muh muh muh" sound with her lips all pursed together.

In a related cuteness observation, she has moved the pouty lower lip to the eating department. Often times when I feed her something, like yogurt, before she swallows it she'll just kind of let it sit in there and she'll stick out her lip and have such a set little jaw and it is just so darn cute! I did take a picture of it, but not a digital one, so maybe I will have to scan it in. It's not a sad face, because the rest of her face isn't sad, so much as a determined face. *sigh* Sometimes I wonder what she's thinking!


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