Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Willful, willful, willful!! These days if Lilli doesn't want me to do something, she'll push my hands away and very effectively too. Like if I'm trying to button up the front of her outfit, which she HATES. Conversely, if she WANTS something, sometimes there's not very much I can do to stop her. I have to be pretty quick anyway. She can grab for something so quickly the little rascal.

And I don't know why, but she hates having her diaper changed now. She used to love it, maybe because it was something different and because she got to see the mobile that is above her changing table. Now it is an unwelcome interruption to playing and as soon as I put her down on the table she starts to throw a fit. Of course, that is nothing compared to the crying that starts when I try to put her clothes on. If she's changed this much in nine months I can't wait for her to be a teenager :)

But she's still cute as ever, don't get me wrong. Most of the time she's a happy little girl. She's so funny: she'll do something wondeful like make a song start on a toy or bang some blocks together, and she'll at me as if to say, "wow! aren't I amazing???" SO pleased with herself. She's still not crawling yet either but she is getting more and more adept at moving around. She can turn all the way around in a circle on her bum and she can really stretch out with her arms and belly to the ground, get her desired object, and then push herself back to a sitting position with her prize in hand. It is so funny watching her try to get an object just out of her reach. She'll be all stretched out and her face is so strained and determined and she'll make little grunty noises and wiggle her bum. Sometimes all of that works and she finally manages to get it, and then boy is she proud. Sometimes I'm jealous watching her: if only I could be so proud and pleased for something so simple. Ah, the life of a babe.


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