Monday, January 03, 2005

Our journey into todderhood is progressing, albeit slowly. Lilli is now more confident taking small steps on short trips from a to b. For example, she might walk the foot and a half from the chair to the bed, but for much anything farther she'll drop and crawl. What's the big fuss?, she seems to be thinking.

To encourage her a bit we went a got her a walker type of toy. You know, the kind where you push it around. Like I said, we think she was first inspired to take her first steps by playing with a friend's similar toy. So out we went to buy one, because our baby cannot be without. We chose the Gobble and Go Hippo, or whatever it's called and it eats up blocks as you push it around. It came with five delightful little blocks that contained different food items. My favorite is the P & J sandwich. ANYWAY, she wants absolutely nothing to do with it. She definitely doesn't get that you're supposed to stand up and push it. Whenever we try to stand her up next to it she immediately lets her legs get all soupy. Part of the problem is that our child is a GIANT, and the push bar is a little low. She could reach it easily from her knees. Of course, fools that we are, we threw the packaging away already. Thankfully, it converts into a ride on toy. Ah, you smart people at Fischer Price, even though you do not account for overly sized children.

I'm kind of feeling ambivalent about the whole walking thing, however. It's so exciting to see her grow and progress and stuff but at the same time I feel like this whole babyhood thing is passing too quickly. I had a sad moment yesterday morning when I was changing her diaper and I noticed how much her little fat rolls had decreased. She used to have four solid, distinct mountains of fat on her little thunder thighs but they've slowly melted down to little hills with barely discernable valleys. Schuyler mentioned how trim she was looking the other day and I tried to pass it off on the slimming qualities of her flared pants, but I think I have to face the fact that Lilli is leaning out. I guess it was inevitable. Schuyler was a fatty pants when he was a baby and he doesn't really have an ounce of fat on him now. In fact, I'm ashamed to say that I used to call him Auschwitz boy. I know. Terrible. On multiple levels.

I guess all this new attempted walking and increased crawling is working its magic. Plus, have I mentioned what a picky pants she has become? What happened to my good little eater? She used to eat KALE for goodness sake! I haven't had much luck with kale lately. Or any of the green vegetables. Generally, she loves toast, yogurt, tofu, avocado, beans & rice, fruit or anything that any grown person is eating or drinking. I guess I am going to have to get more creative with the vegetables. I was successful there for awhile hiding the vegetables under a mound of applesauce, but she's on to me now. Thankfully, most of the things she likes are pretty healthy, and it's so funny to watch her feed herself. She really likes to pack it in. This morning I was feeding her toast and she wouldn't really wait for one bite to be swallowed before she put the next one it, and before you knew it her mouth was just FULL of moist toast. She could barely maneuver her tongue around. It's HILARIOUS to watch her try to put a new piece in, notice there isn't much room in there, and use the back of her hand to cram it into her piehole (or her sushihole, as my mom would say). Maybe she will work those rolls back on. :)

Well, I promised mundane details! There they are! Stay tuned for more. . .


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