Saturday, February 19, 2005

Yesterday was possibly one of the least fun days of my life. Bob called to say he was coming home from school in the morning and then like two minutes later he called back to say he had just puked and NOW he was coming home. See, he had a whole bunch of dental work done and the dentist gave him this extra strength Vicodin. I guess it didn't sit so well=puke. So I was downstairs doing laundry when I hear the front door slam and footsteps RUNNING across the house and then blehhhh. (I hope Bob is not mad at me for sharing this. After all, it's just puke, right honey?) So I have Bob puking away and then being a generally sick boy in bed when I notice that Lilli is being AWFULLY cranky. Usually she is very not cranky. She usually runs around the house making little happy noises and carrying things around. But yesterday she kept picking up objects, carrying them around for a little while, and then cry dejectedly when said object failed to please, entertain, or comfort her. Very pathetic. At first I was annoyed. Jesus Lilli! I kept saying. What in the world is the matter??! Well, insensitive mother that I am, I had failed to notice that she was BURNING UP WITH FEVER! Ok, just a low fever, but she has never had a fever before in her life, and I don't think she knew how to handle it. So she was cranky, although she was so lethargic at one point that she was actually totally satisfied for a bit just sitting in my lap and watching Gilmore Girls. Is it evil to the see the silver lining? So here I was with a cranky baby and a cranky husband and THEN. I had to take the dog to the vet. And you know what? The little bugger has INFECTED ANAL GLANDS. I guess that explains the putrid smelling bloody extrusions he was leaving all over our bedding. That's right. If that's not enough to make anyone think twice about getting a dog, I'm not sure what is. (But it's not the poor guy's fault, and we are having to spend a crapload of money to fix it. Can you believe $100 for one little visit to the vet?? I guess it's worth it if it eliminates putrid smelling bloody messes. Blood, people, that smells like rotting fish. Bleh!) So then there I was, the healthiest one in the house, and I was the one who was sick in the first place.

Oh, yeah, and I forgot to mention the spinach Lilli got in her eye. I made her spinach and eggs for breakfast and she managed to get a big piece of spinach IN HER EYE, Lord knows how, and then I just had to look at it all day, swimming on top of her eyeball, because she wouldn't let me get it out. Finally, I sneaked it out while she was sleeping and it had migrated to the corner of her eye. So. Gross.

So. A very full day. The end.


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