Monday, May 02, 2005

A "Brief" Update on New Lilli Developments

It seems like Lilli has burst upon the chatterbox scene all of a sudden, and basically, we can't get her to shut up. Among the new offerings:

"This/that is a ______." She just loves to go around telling us what everything is. Over and over.

"This is ____'s _____." She seems to have grasped the possessive. She know's that certain things are certain people's. She used to just call the remote "mama." Now she calls it "mama's." Often times I am awakened by "this is mama's wallet. This is mama's wallet. Here mama! Here mama!" Which brings me to. . .

"Here ____!" When handing people things.

A bunch of new words, mostly nouns. Among them? Bath. Shirt. Boat. Yeah, we can really talk about deep stuff now. This is Mama's shirt in Lilli's bath, and oh, here! Boat!

She's also been talking in her sleep. Which is a little weird for us. It's so cute though to hear what she's dreaming about, and wonder about what goes on in that little head. Usually she talks about "doggies." Absolutely makes my heart melt.

And in non-language offerings, she's managed, just once, to open the bathroom door. Now the games have begun, I'm afraid. We will have to put those doorknobs things on. Bleh.

Last but not least, she has a fascination with my eyebrows ("abas") and she has a weird thing where she touches them before falling asleep and I have to tell her they are my eyebrows, like, a thousand times. Then she screams "night night!" in my ear about a hundred times and I have to echo her back or she screams louder. Babies are WEIRD.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Isn't being a mom the BEST ever?! I LOVE it. We have such sweeties everyday, pouring us with love, hugs, ear aches and bath time. i wouldn't trade any of it. ~Kirsten

8:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

....Our earaches...from the LOUDness :)

8:41 AM  

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