Friday, May 27, 2005

Reading back a bit, I realize that I haven't really blogged much of substance of late. To be honest, I think I am overwhelmed. Lilli does so much new stuff, so it's hard to choose a topic to write about. And then when it comes to general "motherhood topics," well, I'm afraid to get myself started. It's hard for me to write a succinct, compact little piece, you know. I'm sure I'd start a-ramblin', and there would go a whole nap, and I wouldn't have watched a single Sex and the City, which is my nap time indulgence these days. Thank you, Netflix! (On a total tangent, is it weird to anybody else that the Sex and the City girls are even friends? It doesn't make sense to me. Miranda and Carrie, ok. No one else has anything in common.)

Plus, I had this huge run in with the vet who did Addy's surgery, because he was a total asshole about what his staff did to Addy's neck, and so I have been mentally composing a nasty letter to him for the past two weeks. That has pretty much taken up all my mental composition time, which I usually devote to blogging. Plus, it has absorbed all my miscellaneous anger, which I usually take out on random subjects. I'm never going to send that damn letter though, because it is about ten pages now, what with all the mental composing I've done. I wish I could be succinct. And let that vet have it.

Anyway, I guess my unsuccinct point is that just because I haven't blogged a whole bunch about stuff or the new things that Lilli is doing, does not mean that Lilli has not been doing a whole bunch of new stuff. In fact, she has been busy, busy, busy. She pretty much knows the names of everyone in our families and she knows the names of all her favorite TV shows. She's climbing up on everything and getting into everything. She has a foot fetish and is a shoe junkie. She likes to match up people and their shoes by bringing the right shoes to the right person. "Here mama! Mama's shoes!" I took her to the Nordstrom kids' shoe department and she went crazy. "Shoes! Shoes! Shoes!" She loves the sound of lawnmowers. She LOVES looking out the bedroom window onto our backyard. She's counting. She knows how to get what she wants. Sometimes when I make her porridge in the morning and I haven't put what she wants in it, she'll send me back to the fridge for the proper ingredients. She's starting to learn how to throw a tantrum. I'm starting to learn how to ignore them.

Oh, what fun we are having! Actually, I think I can finally and genuinely say that having a child is a lot of fun. More fun than not. She hugs me and kisses me and does everything that I do. She shares her "nummies" with us, and brings us all her toys. She loves her dog and her daddy too of course. She says "hi guys!" when we enter a room full of people. She is a CHATTERBOX.

So, that's all for now. I will try to think of something succinct and substantial for next time :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Send the letter Makriko. You'll feel better. ~ Kirsten

8:45 AM  

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