Thursday, July 01, 2004

I *think* Lilli might be trying to say "dog." It might be just the wishful thinking of a doting parent, but quite often when the dog goes by or does something funny, she stares at him fixedly and says "da!" quite expressively. The dog is not impressed with this. He HATES it when I call him over just so Lilli can pet him. He looks at me like, "what am I, chopped liver??" But anyway, I'M impressed.

In other observations, I was just putting her to bed so I was noticing all the amusing ways she moves her hands while she's nursing and falling asleep. She's been doing this quite awhile, but she often pats my forearms in the most endearing way, and also picks at the front of her outfit, all the while moving her little fingers and wrists about. It's kind of like a flamenco dancer. Lately, when she's more awake and nursing, she also likes to feel my teeth, but that's not as cute as she usually scratches my gums with her sharp little nails. . .

She was just really cute a second ago as I'd put her to bed but she wasn't as fast asleep as I thought she was and she started to fuss. But as soon as I went back in the room and she saw me, the fusses turned to giggles and she immediately closed her eyes and went back to sleep. That's one of the best moments of parenthood, to have someone so happy to see you they are immediately comforted and giggle with the joy of it. Actually it happens pretty often that I'm sitting in a room with her while she's sleeping and she wakes up and looks around kind of scared, but then sees me and smiles right away and kicks her little feet. SO freakin' ADORABLE!!!

Hmmm, what else? I took her to Seattle with me yesterday and she was SO GOOD. She didn't cry once, in the car or at the park where I was helping out for the yarn shop where I used to work. She let complete strangers hold her. But then today, she was just a complete fussball, and we went to my grandma's to eat dinner and she would just not let anybody hold her and she cried at my Uncle Randy. She did fall asleep for a long nap at 7pm though, so maybe she was just tired. Of course, that meant she went to bed late. . .maybe she'll sleep in!!


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