Sunday, July 11, 2004

My birthday was the 10th and, appropriately, we had a birthday extravaganza leading up to it :) This meant a lot of parties but we (meaning Lilli) survived. I think she's relieved it's all over, though she'd never tell me because she wouldn't want to hurt my feelings :) Anyway, she was a very good girl through it all. She got passed around a lot, and mostly was very patient about it. One thing I noticed though was that now when someone else is holding her and she wants me she'll stretch her arms out towards me and arch her whole little body in my direction. But then if I don't act on it fast, OUTRAGE.

Friday I went shopping with Duyen for awhile (Bob threw me a surprise party, and Duyen was the decoy) and we intended to get manicures but instead I was distracted by Gymboree and we ended up spending all out time there. That's what happens when you become a mother! I bought her the CUTEST set of overalls (on sale) and I wanted the whole ensemble but it would have cost a fortune. That didn't stop another mother at the counter with an eight month old who was wearing the whole getup: pants, shirt, socks, cardigan sweater and I'm guessing she had the matching hat in the bag there somewhere. AND, the mother was buying a whole counterful of new clothes! But, this little baby was even bigger than Lilli which was kind of a relief actually. 24 pounds! I think Lilli has actually kind of plateaued. She looks decidedly leaner these days. Anyway, later at the party when I was showing off Lilli's new overalls, Sonja reflected on how times have changed when the topic of animated conversation is Gymboree. There were three little babies at the party. Yes, times have changed.

THEN, Saturday night we went to Sonja's cabin on Camano where she was the only little baby. That was interesting for me because circumstances have REALLY changed since the last time a bunch of us went up there. Boy. For one, Bob and I were not together although we were both there. There were a lot of other differences, but the past is the past :) Those who were there, they know :)

When we got home Lilli was pooped out but somehow she was having trouble falling asleep. I'd think she was asleep and I'd try to sneak out but she'd start tossing and turning and making moaning noises. If you've ever seen "When Harry Met Sally" she kind of made those noises like Harry made when he couldn't sleep and was depressed. When he'd just lay there and moan. Finally I left the room but she moaned for another five minutes or so without realizing I was gone and then fell asleep. I was very amused, probably mostly because I kept thinking about "When Harry Met Sally."

On a related note, I've been meaning to tell how darn cute she is when she wakes up before Bob and I have gone to bed and I go check on her. She just smiles and smiles and is so happy to see me and if I lie down next to her she immediately puts her arms out to me and rolls towards me and usually promptly falls back asleep.

I can't believe summer is almost halfway gone. I had all these ideas about taking Lilli to the park everyday and we've gone, like, twice. We'll have to go tomorrow. . .


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