Friday, August 06, 2004

Lilli's been really grumpy these last couple of days. I think her teeth must be bothering her. All four new ones have poked through now. Anyway, today she was just fussy fussy and wanted to nurse a lot more than usual. It's probably comforting. And she wanted to be cuddled a lot and she slept a lot more. Poor girl! At least she hasn't been feverish or anything like that. However, when something bothers her these days she's taken to doing this high pitched scream. Very unpleasant. I try to speak to her in a whisper after she does it to encourage a quieter tone of voice, but I'm not sure she gets it. She just looks at me like "why are you whispering?" She's also becoming very independent. Lately she doesn't want to bed and wants to do it herself, but when I try and let her she just flings the food all over and doesn't seem to actually put the spoon in her mouth. So I had an epiphany today and gave her another spoon to play with and tried to get bites in with my spoon while she was distracted. That seemed to work.

At the same time though, in the just the last week she's gotten even more responsive. I think the main thing is the hand clapping. It has progressed to a happy thing. If she's amused or happy she claps her hands, and it's so fun to see her figure out how to express herself so other people can understand. They're not just hands hitting together! They can tell the world she's happy! It pleases her so much that usually when she claps she giggles along which she does a lot more now too. I can also get her to clap by clapping myself so she's imitating me too. I think I may be able to get her to start waving bye bye if I do it a lot in front of her.

We haven't had too much progress in the crawling department since her last developments, but I don't want to push her. I figure she'll figure it out when she's ready. ok, off to bed.


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