Sunday, October 31, 2004

Halloween fun

Lilli was, uh, a stoned teletubbie for Halloween. Well, that's what Duyen thinks she looks like in her hat. So we rolled with it. I know, we're total losers. But it seems like such a waste of money to buy her an outfit that she'd wear for like an hour and she probably wouldn't even understand why she was being forced to wear a hot, uncomfortable costume. It would be more for own enjoyment. Ane we enjoy her in the hat. PLUS, now I can use the money I would have spent on a costume on some other cute item FROM EBAY!! Woohoo!

We actually escaped the house this Halloween because I had this horrible vision of small children coming to the door and me having to hold back my raging, foaming dog (he doesn't like people in costume/uniform) and hold a baby and pass out candy all at the same time. Every ten seconds. Hmmm, not my idea of a really good time. And I would have had to do it all by myself because Bob had to work. When we got home though we discovered that Addy had devoured a whole box of Chocolate caramels that Bob's grandparents had brought me from Hawaii. We had a freak out moment but then we realized that the actual amount of chocolate in the candies probably wasn't very much as they are mostly caramel and nuts and dogs have to eat a significant amount of dark chocolate to really get sick. Why do dogs have to be so stupid though? Couldn't he just eat one? I guess it's kind of like cocaine and a drug addict. The addict's gotta know it's bad for them but they want more and more of it anyway. Well, probably not a very good analogy. Dogs are just dumb greedy dogs. And he probably doesn't even know it's bad for him. Dumb dog.

And lastly, I've noticed that a lot of baby bloggers have lamented the change in daylight savings time. I for one, am rejoicing, as it has fit right into my plan. Mua ha ha ha ha! Lilli has been waking up really late lately and not wanting to go to bed until after ten, so now we are going to be able to get her to go to bed earlier and then we can all get up at a more decent hour! Woohoo for time change! She doesn't even know we are tricking her!


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