Tuesday, November 16, 2004

House of Fog

We are all living in a fog over here. We all have colds, but worst of all is that Lilli has a cold. When baby has a cold, no one can be happy, least of all baby.

Last night we put her to bed around 9 but she kept waking up every half hour because the poor thing couldn't breathe very well. And, she's used to nursing to sleep but that was near impossible because that involves sucking in through the mouth and breathing in through the nose at the same time. Finally, we managed to sing her to sleep, and the one bright spot of the evening was Bob's joy at finally getting her to go to sleep all by himself! Of course, that didn't last long and she was up again. Finally I went to bed so that she wouldn't panic everytime she woke up and we managed to get a little bit of interrupted sleep. She must've gotten tired of the whole thing though around 5 am because she was ready to go. She was a little less stuffy so after playing a bit we managed to get her to nurse but then up again at 7, very fussy. As I tried to calm her, PROJECTILE VOMIT all over my front. Then Bob took her and HE got slimed and the whole floor too. I felt so bad for her. It definitely wasn't a little spit up. It was the horrible, uncomfortable, heaving kind of throw up. Mmmmm yummy. At that point we gave up and Bob was nice enough to get up with her so I could sleep another hour.

But now we are all very very tired. Sorry this post isn't very interesting. I don't have the energy for interesting. I am keeping my fingers crossed that she won't be as congested tonight. I don't know if we could survive more of the same. Dear Lord.


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