Sunday, January 16, 2005

We just spent a lovely weekend at my family's Lummi Island house for Bob's birthday. We had some friends up, and family came and Lilli was a complete doll. She practiced her walking and she was so friendly and tried to get everyone to pick her up. They don't know they were just being used as taxis, and we didn't tell them they were being taken advantage of. We want the dear souls to think she really liked them. Which is not to say she didn't. Just that she has her own little motives.

Anyway, that's not the reason I signed on to make a post. We were just putting her to bed when we smelled a poop. As background for this story, let me say that yesterday I managed to get Lilli to eat quite a bit of spinach soaked in marinara sauce, and I was pretty proud of myself to have gotten her to happily eat a green vegetable. In fact she LOVED it, and I THOUGHT she had chewed down quite a bit of it. Well, let me just put it this way. It turns out she hadn't chewed it at all. Bob called me in to look at her poop (because that's what baby parents do) and there were tons and tons of strings of whole baby spinach leaves. Just then I noticed a little corner of green coming out of her butthole. Get that piece, I said to Bob. Well, he took ahold of that corner and slowly but surely out came a whole long sting of green spinach. All I could think of was, all that good nutrition, completely gone to waste.


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