Sunday, January 09, 2005

I've read several rants against mommy blogs, the main complaint being they are boring, to which I say: if you don't care, don't read. Anyway, my blog MAY be boring, but one of my favorite blogs, finslippy, never is. It is hilarious. So hilarious, in fact, that it got nominated for some blogging award. I'm not sure if it won. But apparently, in an attempt to beat her, one of her competitors launched a rant about mommy blogs. Ok, I may be boring, true, but if you hate finslippy or think she is boring, well, then you just hate children.

Anywho, she has a good comeback. Let 'em have it sister! Here it is:

Update: Apparently Alice at finslippy decided to remove that post because she didn't want to spread more hate. Which I suppose is admirable. But if THEY get to hate, why can't we?? Anyway, her website is still funny. Go check it out:


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Isn't it bad enough that you have me addicted to =) d

1:25 PM  

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