Wednesday, January 05, 2005

We went to Bob's mom's the other night for dinner with his family. Lilli, who rarely likes to "perform" when we want her to (I always am reminded of Jon Stewart saying to Tucker What's his name "I'm not your performing monkey. ha ha!) was accomodating enough to walk (!!) several times and for multiple steps. Since then she's been walking up a storm by the way and seems to be enjoying it.

But anyway, the whole point of the post is to tell this anecdote of cuteness: Lilli was playing peekaboo with Cindy and she was giggling and jumping up and down with excitement everytime Cindy showed her face. Well, Cindy kept waiting longer and longer before she pulled her hands apart, and the anticipation was driving Lilli into laughing fits. Finally, Cindy waited so long Lilli couldn't stand it anymore and she yelled out PEEKYBOO!! and pulled Cindy's hands part. I think "peekyboo," said by a baby, is possibly the cutest word in the English language.


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