Monday, February 21, 2005

Guarded optimism. . .

We've been attempting to teach Lilli about bedtime and I think, FOR ONCE, our plan is working!! It's amazing. We had a plan, we followed through, and it's working. Who knew? Anyway, I think I mentioned a while back how we had instituted a routine, got her off nursing at bedtime and such. Well, she's still waking up in the night, and although she often wants to nurse, sometimes she just cuddles up to me (sometimes in the MOST UNCOMFORTABLE POSITIONS FOR ME, like with her head ON TOP of my head) and goes to sleep. Sometimes she finds a comfortable position with her feet tucked under my chin and snoozes away. This is better than the alternative, but not much better for our sleep. So, we decided a while back that we wanted to get her to sleep in the crib. In the spirit of this, I bought her a couple of books awhile back that are specifically bedtime books and often show the protagonist of the book going to bed and liking it. Lately at the end of these books, when we say "nigh nigh!" she'll fall backwards into bed and look very pleased with herself. Tonight we had a breakthrough in that we were in the living room and I said "Lilli, do you want to go nigh nigh?" and she headed straight for the bedroom and tried to climb up into our bed. So we were optimistic and the scene was set. We followed through with our routine, got her to go to sleep, did a successful transfer to the crib, which we moved to our bedroom today, and lo and behold it is a miracle but she is SLEEPING IN THE CRIB. Hallelujuah!! Hopefully tonight she will wake up less because there will be more space and less tossing and turning of other people (Bob!) and we will all wake up refreshed! Is such a thing possible!?! And then! And then! Maybe when this works for a while we will move the crib back to the nursery! I may be getting ahead of myself now. . . one step at a time. But I can't help but be optimistic. Woohoo!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey! We moved the crib into the nursery last week and it has been awesome to actually sleep with my wife again. Kendra tricked the little booger by nursing him exclusively in the nursery so he would get used to it. So now when he falls asleep at his 9PM feeding, she just steps over to the crib and lays him down. We still sleep with the baby monitor on even though we're right across the hall. And me being paranoid "Mr Safety" I have two smoke/carbon monoxide detectors in that little room!!!

2:32 PM  

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