Sunday, March 13, 2005

Eating: Words and Boogers

You know how a couple of posts ago I was so dang proud that Lilli was sleeping through the night? Well, soon after writing those fateful lines, I have had to EAT MY WORDS. It is as though the baby gods, angry at my hubris, have decided to smite me with many night wakings. The worst thing is, I totally don't get it. I didn't understand why she decided to sleep through the night all of a sudden a couple of weeks ago, and I can't figure out why all of a sudden she is waking up in the middle of the night now. Don't get me wrong, she's still sleeping for a long stretch. But for the last couple of nights she's been waking up sometime between 1 am and 4 am and then losing it and I have to bring her into the bed and then she wakes up throughout the night, while each time I BEG her to go back to sleep just until the sun comes up. If I could just understand why she was doing it all of a sudden, then maybe I could rectify the situation. But I don't. :(

In other musings, I was noticing the other day how much my tolerance for grossness has greatly increased. I think this is a phenomenon that all mothers notice about themselves. It's hard to think of anything about our babies as gross. Suddenly, even poop just doesn't seem that bad. (Baby poop that is. Adult poop still grosses me out. Even thinking about adult poop gives me the heeby jeebies, but hey, I 'd touch baby poop. It's just the end product of her digestive process right? How come I don't feel that way about adult poop?)

But anyway, I think we all know that I may be grosser than others. After all, I often PUT IN MY MOUTH the crud that collects in the corner of my baby's mouth. Like mushy cookie & saliva or saliva diluted yogurt. Why do I do this? I have no idea. Suddenly, I don't even realize what I'm doing, but I have partaken of nastiness. Only, at the time, before thinking about it, it doesn't seem that nasty to me. It just seems better than wiping it on my clean pants. After all, when is the next time I'm going to be able to do laundry? So the other day, I was trying to fish a GIGANTIC booger out of Lilli's nose, because it was really hampering her breathing (gross unto itself, I know) when the thought FLASHED through my mind, for just an instant, that I could put it in my mouth rather than making the trip to the garbage can. I KNOW!!! Totally foul right? How have I reached such a point? That booger just didn't seem that gross to me. After all, it came out of my sweet Lilli's cute little button nose. But I would NEVER NEVER NEVER eat a booger. EVER. I am NOT A BOOGER EATER. So what has happened to me??? Where has all my perspective gone??


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmm..Last night Kenneth and Cole slept for.....11.5 hours. Don't give up hope hon!

6:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is one of the funniest posts you've ever written! You're disgusting! love d

8:46 AM  

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