Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Can you handle it? More poop!

Some have noted that my posts of late have been rather "poop heavy," but sadly enough, that is just a reflection of my life right now. My thoughts are dominated by poop: Is there a poop in Addy's butt? Has Lilli pooped today? Has Lilli had enough water today for proper poop consistency? Hey, did I just step in a poop nugget?

Bob and I don't really understand what's going on with Addy's butt right now. We are *hoping* that it hurts to poop (poor guy :( ) and that's why he waits until the last second to poop and thus we are blessed with the occasional 'oh my god, the poop is halfway out of his butt' moment when we are still in the house. On the bright side, we only had one tiny poop nugget yesterday and only 1 1/2 the day before, so at least he is managing to hold it in somewhat. Little turds are not just slipping out while he is sleeping.

On a happier poop note, I forgot to mention about a month ago that Lilli started occasionally telling us when she was going to poop or had just pooped. She would point to her diaper and say "poop!" I was all hopeful that we would have an early potty training, but then the novelty at pointing at her poop seemed to wear off and she hasn't done it in a while now.

Well, I guess that's all my poop news for now. I'm sure there will be more to come :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow. That's four poop updates in a row. It has to be some sort of blog record, but if there's a trophy for it, I don't want to know what it looks like.

4:32 PM  

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