Tuesday, July 13, 2004

She's being awfully silly today :) She keeps doing this funny little thing with her head. If she's playing there and I'm not looking right at her but she wants my attention she'll cock her head to one side and peer at me with this goofy smile on her face. Then when I look at her she'll laugh and smile and move her head back and forth, not unlike a bobblehead. It's like she's trying to get me to laugh. Naturally I do because it is so funny looking and then she looks very pleased with herself.

We went shopping today too, and I took her in the sling, which she absolutely LOVES. I've tried the stroller but she often demands the sling. But even in the sling, she likes to check to make sure I'm still there. She'll crane her little head around and up and look at my face and smile really big and then look back around at the big wide world. She rarely makes a peep when I have her in the sling. I tried to cart her around in it today while I picked up around the house, but it's hard to bend over with a twenty pound weight attached to your hip.

In other big developmental news, I had her seated on the floor playing with her toys while I was reading on the couch when suddenly I looked over and there she was tugging at my sleeve. She must have scooted about a foot and a half on her bottom. I didn't observe her doing it and it must have been kind of a gradual process for me not to have noticed it but there she was, trying to stand and getting ticked off that I wasn't helping her. Once I had her standing she wanted to get up on the couch with me. She is such the little cuddler and so she spent a good fifteen to thirty minutes bouncing on my tummy (ugh. . .the twenty pounds!). But anything to make her happy :)


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