Sunday, August 08, 2004

She's getting smarter. I used to be able to trick her with certain things but she's figuring it out. Like the phone. She loves the darn phone! In fact, she throws a fit these days when I take it away from her. It used to be that I could put it out of sight and she's forget about it in a bit. Now it's getting harder to make her forget her precious phone. Also, when she drops a toy I used to be able to be lazy and just substitute it with another one. Now, I actually have to GET UP and get THAT toy.

She's also using her smartiness to sidestep crawling. Not crawling yet. But if I put something out of reach, instead of crawling to it if she's on an area rug she'll just bunch up the rug towards her and miraculously the toy comes too. Whoopee! She then gets that very pleased look. Of course, while cute, I have left the room a couple of times thinking that everything bad was out of her reach, only to come back a few seconds later and find her tearing up the newspaper or playing with the video game controllers. Speedy little devil.

Did I mention that my shoulders hurt like the dickens?? That darn baby weighs 23 lbs! I guess that's what I should expect. But actually, I think it was from nursing in bed a few nights ago and sleeping funny on my shoulder. Of course, it's not like my shoulder is getting a break now or anything, so it's not getting better very fast. I love my chubby healthy little girl but sometimes I wish I had a delicate little flower of a baby :)

Oh, and we went shopping yesterday. And guess who got all the stuff! Seriously, Bob gets so disgusted with me when I enter the world of Gymboree. They have a sort of power over me that makes me forget the closetfuls of clothes Lilli has at home and the clothes are so dang cute I pretty much ignore the price tag. But they were having a sale!! So everything had to be a good deal right?? If it had been just me I could have stayed there a long time going through the racks. As it was, I was hampered by civilians, so I had to zero in on the items I already had my eye on via the website. Probably a good thing as I still managed to spend $80. But, on the CUTEST OUTFITS EVER. Seriously. I will post pictures. We also went to Babies R Us and bought this huge toy thing that is supposed to be really interactive and fun and you put these blocks in and plays music and so on and so on. Well we set up that toy and all Lilli wanted to do was climb it and make it fall over on herself. We tried to show her how she could put the blocks in the holes (fun!!) but then all she wanted to do was play with the diaper genie refills. I wonder sometimes if we are buying the clothes and toys for Lilli or for us??


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