Monday, August 15, 2005

Things Lilli is doing that I don't have the energy to try and make sound interesting:

When we ask if she wants to do something she either responds, "no" in a very coy sort of way or "ok!"
She says "bless you" when you sneeze, "thank you" when you offer her food, and even "please" on occasion!
She pooped in her potty on the first try. And hasn't sat on it since.
She can say big hard words like "sleeping."
I gave her her milk tonight and then walked out of the room for a second, and when I went back into the kitchen she was sitting at the kitchen table, thumbing through a magazine, and sipping her milk.
She wants me to do everything she does or vice versa, and she copies everything we say.
She is very busy.
I am JUST managing to keep up.


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