Monday, July 11, 2005

Last Friday

Phew. You would NOT BELIEVE the week we've had here. Ups and downs and downs and ups. I feel like I've climbed Mt. Everest and back again. In fact, I've hesitated to write on this blog so much of what is going on, and therefore I have had nothing to write, if that is any excuse for another long absence.

I could detail now all that has happened, but instead why don't I just tell you about last Friday, which pretty much encapsulated what our whole week or two was like.

Friday morning Bob woke me at 6am before he went to work to tell me that our car had been stolen. Right out of our driveway. Apparently however, they didn't like Bob's taste in jackets because they had thrown his coat out of the car. (Kind of like the time someone broke into the same car, stole my cds and cd player, but then threw my cds away. I guess they didn't like Joni Mitchell. Thankfully, some nice person found them.) Anywho, we called the police of course, but they don't do much these days when it comes to stolen cars. We were surprised therefore when the police called back twenty minutes later to report that they had found the car. Unfortunately, they had found it perched on top of a boulder in the park. Totally trashed. At first they told us to come to the park and get it but then they called back and said it wasn't driveable. So we made the trek to the towyard to see our poor little car. It was so sad :( The front was all banged up with the headlights hanging out and the bumper actually underneath the passenger door. The airbags had deployed and the whole car was filthy on the inside. The steering column had been torn up where they had hotwired it. Tragic. Really. I spent a miserable year in Japan as a teacher to pay for that car. Well, the teaching part was miserable.

So anyway, luckily we have good insurance, and pretty much everything was covered, but it was so stressful calling all the insurance people and the bodyshop, and I had just gotten new tabs! We were supposed to go to Lummi that afternoon, so I was running around like a chicken with my head cut off all morning long, while Lilli was grumpy because we'd gotten up early.

And, oh, by the way, I'm pregnant. And morning sick.

And it happened to be that we were having an ultrasound that afternoon, before going to Lummi, because I'd had a miscarriage scare.

So when Bob got home from work we packed up the car (with all our loads of baby stuff) and Lilli and headed to the ultrasound place. We got up to the room, I laid on the table, the technician lifted my shirt and put on the gel and. . .everything is fine. Very healthy so far. But! We are having TWINS. Can you believe it? We couldn't. And still can't really. In. Shock.

We went to pick my mom up to drive with us to Lummi. How did it go she asked? Oh, fine I said. Everything's fine. And we're having twins. Oh how she laughed. And laughed. And then was so NOT laughing. How can you do this to me? she wailed. Then, finally, I laughed. :) Ha ha ha! Ha! Ha.

The end.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Twins? Twins?! Wow! Congratulations and Congratulations, Mariko! That's fantastic! And a lot of work. I see lots of diapers and lots of coffee in your future. You can do it, though. I'm happy for you!

4:38 PM  
Blogger sweetviolet said...

geez. what do you have to do to get a car stolen in this neighborhood? we've been praying our pretentious gas-guzzling range rover would be stolen, never to be seen again. no luck so far.

6:45 PM  

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