Thursday, July 15, 2004

She's been so funny today that I've noticed especially how many little expressions she has. And it really brings home to me how much of a little person she is now, with thoughts and feelings and everything! And MOODS! It's so weird! Anyway, she can look grumpy, and happy, and perplexed, and frustrated.  Sometimes she's silly and sometimes she's serious.  Cindy and Michael came over and she just LOVED playing peekaboo and one thing I noticed is that she can anticipate things now. Like, Cindy kept putting the cloth over her head and pretty soon she figured out that that cloth was coming and she'd put her little hands out before it could get there and think that she was just so smart and she'd laugh and laugh. I've noticed that too when I'm tickling her. I'll start at her toes and slowly walk my fingers up until I get to her armpit and then tickle her there and after I've done it a few times she starts laughing when I get to her tummy. Gosh, babies can be so much fun. Sometimes I didn't think so when I was nursing for the fourth time in a night at 5:30 in the morning.
She was doing something really unusual at Bob's grandparents too. Bob had brought his basketball and she was playing with it by patting it and rolling it. Well, suddenly she gave this shudder like she'd gotten a chill and she made the funniest face like she'd eaten something horribly sour. And she kept doing it! Over and over! It was so weird! I don't know if it was the texture of the ball or what but it was definitely giving her the heeby jeebies. Finally, Cindy couldn't stand it anymore and she made us take the ball away :)  Then she took a poop (Lilli did, not Cindy!). She has the funniest poop faces. I can't even really describe them but they are intense looks of inwardly focused concentration. Her face turns all red and she does this little half smile.  I'll have to try to get a picture someday before she's too old and embarrassed by it.
Anyway, it seems that some of my entries are too long to be enticing to my readers, so I'm trying to shorten them up. There's just so much to get down in writing before all of sudden she's like sixteen!


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