Tuesday, July 06, 2004

We spent some of the holiday weekend at Lummi Island, and a good deal of time was spent by all watching the baby channel, as Randy calls it. Monday morning we put Lilli on her tummy with a spoon in front of her (she loves spoons), and we all sat around her and cheered her onward. She managed to do a full push up and get her tummy off the ground, and with a little help she got her knees up, but she hasn't quite figured out how to make all the parts work. She pushed backwards a bit, and wiggled her hips a lot, and pushed her stomach in and out but finally just gave up and laid her little cheek to the floor. We felt sorry for her and so pushed the spoon within her grasp. But then she didn't have a very good angle on the spoon, being on her tummy, and so we had to roll her over. She doesn't much like being on her tummy. I am convinced that if she did like it she would be crawling by now. Maybe we should just MAKE her spend time on her tummy, but I don't have the heart to do it when she looks so frustrated and cries and looks up at me with those big, sad, betrayed eyes that say "mummy, why are you doing this cruel thing to me???"

A few times though in the last couple of months I've put her down in a sitting position on her mat and looked away for just a second and KABOOM there she is on her tummy next time I look. She always looks pleased and surprised at herself but then quickly demands to be righted. I'm not quite sure how she manages to get into that position so quickly. I think she must tip forward or sideways.

One more thing: I finally managed, while at Lummi, to read a book for more than an hour in one sitting! woohoo! This is a breakthrough. . .(of course, she was napping).


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