Tuesday, August 10, 2004

Lilli stood up all by herself yesterday! She was in the crib and she just held on to the bars and pulled herself up, like it was no big deal and she'd been doing it all this time! I spent today trying to get her to duplicate the feat but it hasn't happened yet. There must have been a fortuitous alignment of her feet :) Maybe she will skip crawling and just go to walking. She's closer to crawling but not there yet. She spent a lot of time today straining forward with all her might to get at things, and I kept saying "try to crawl!" but she just kept straining and wriggling until she got it. If I put her in the crawling positiong she'll rock for awhile but eventually splat down and stretch out because she has a longer reach then. Maybe someday she'll just have an epiphany. Who knows.

In other news, our house is cleaner! There was awhile there that I didn't think the house would ever be very clean again. Lilli just wouldn't let me put her down and I was feeding her constantly, but I realized the other day how much time I have again, at least as compared to when she was first born. Then there was awhile where I had time to clean but I would have to sacrifice time with Lilli and I wanted to prioritize Lilli over a clean house. Now I feel I can have both. . .what a relief! I'm not saying the house is perfect, far from it, but Lilli and I can do our own things but co exist in harmony. She's so much more independent now, but she still constantly looks around while she's playing to make sure I'm still there and hates it when I leave the room. Someday maybe she'll get over that and Bob and I will be able to have a date night :) I'm holding out hope. . .


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