Tuesday, September 21, 2004

She's been happy today. I wonder what determines this? Food? Sleep? The stars? I have no idea. I am just thankful!!! She's been very content to play by herself. This evening though when I was sitting on the couch and she was playing on the floor she kept going to places she knew she shouldn't go (like to the mat by the front door because its dirty) and then waiting for me to come get her. As soon as she heard my footsteps approaching she'd start to wiggle and giggle and be so pleased and laugh and scream when I picked her up. Now I am in a dilemma. By going to get her when she goes places I don't want her to go, I am just encouraging her to go to those places! On the other hand, I don't want her to go to those places! Hmmm. . .

Bobby and I are also discovering that she is getting too big for most of her toys! We already put away her swing and her jumper (she was getting a running start to try to reach things in the trashcan) and we have to put away her little bouncer/entertainment center thingy. You know, it's like a walker, only she's not supposed to be able to actually walk in it. Ours has three legs: one is weighted and the other two have wheels so that she's supposed to be able to move in a circle around the weighted leg. Now she's so strong though that she can pretty much just muscle that weighted leg right off the floor and go anywhere she wants. This is a problem, not only because it is dangerous, but imagine a twenty five pound baby walking around with a three foot diameter of demolition! It's like the marshmallow man from Ghostbusters! Yesterday I put her in it while I was washing dishes in the kitchen and she managed to walk it out into the dining room and get to the CD player. And that was just while my back was turned for a second! So I think that the ExerSaucer may soon be living in the basement as well. Pretty soon we're not going to have any place to put her when we don't want her getting into things!

AND, today she ate millet mixed with tofu, carrot and flaxseed oil with great gusto! Yay! I also managed to get almost half an avocado and some plain yogurt into her. I also read how kale is one of the best green vegetables out there which is lucky for me because I froze three ice cube trays of it! So, she better really like kale. I've already gotten her to eat it a couple of times and you wouldn't believe the poops that came out of her!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You forgot to mention that today is her 10 month birthday. D

8:41 AM  

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