Friday, October 01, 2004

Bob's new strategem for baby entertaining is to put her in front of a mirror. She just goes CRAZY. She's liked looking at herself in the mirror for a long time, but all of a sudden one day she started started screaming at herself. It was a happy scream, and everytime she'd do it and realize her reflection was screaming back she'd cut off the scream to laugh hysterically. She will keep her occupied for HOURS (ok, minutes, but that's a long time in babyland). :)!!! Today I heard her doing her happy scream/laugh and went to check it out because I know Bob didn't have her in front of the mirror, and she was seeing her reflection in a plastic frisbee! So it's official, she is now smarter than the dog, because Addy never laughs at himself in the frisbee.


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