Tuesday, February 08, 2005

MASSIVE is the theme of today's post

Yesterday I wore a BRA WITHOUT FLAPS for the first time in over a year! It was so liberating! Nursing bras tend to be so bulky, what with the extra fabric and all from the massive FLAPS, and it was so nice to wear a tank top and not worry that the massive bra straps used to support my formerly massive boobs would be showing. I was able to go flapless yesterday because Bob babysat Lilli in the morning while I went to go do some yarn store stuff. So, back to the flaps today. *sigh* At least I got a taste of flap freedom.

On a different, but related note, yesterday I was admiring in the mirror how my tank top looked nice without a massively wide bra strap showing when I noticed how INCREDIBLY BUFF I am. This is not hollow boasting, this is the goshdarn truth. My upper body is RIPPED. As Bob would say, You want some tickets? To the gunshow?? Ha ha ha. Actually, I am not so pleased about this. I am already pretty broad shouldered, which is not always so desirable in a fairly small framed woman. Now my gigantic shoulder muscles only further accentuate this. I kind of look how Angela Bassett looked in her Tina Turner movie. Well, I exaggerate. She was HUGE. But I'm pretty big when compared to myself, pre Lilli. I guess that is one of the side effects of having an overgrown child: she still wants to be carried around a lot even though she is close to thirty pounds. Yeah, who needs a Nautilus machine when you have a sentient thirty pound weight at your disposal, just begging, literally, to be picked up and carried around? Now if I could just get her to cling to my thigh while I do leg lifts. . .


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