Thursday, February 03, 2005


I'm REALLY going to have to start watching what I say. Lilli has been a little mimic for some time now, but she's starting to become skilled enough to IMMEDIATELY be able to copy what I've just said. Maybe not the exact word or pronunciation, but she'll mimic the basic sound or intonation. This morning I was joking around with Bob and I said "GOD BOB!!" And Lilli said "GAH!" kind of a like a little South Parker would say. Bob and I both looked at each other in horror. We do not want to breed little South Parkers. And "God" isn't even that bad. Some who know me know that when I'm not in polite company I have a tendency to curse *just a bit*. I am starting to see that I'm going to have to learn to curb that habit. Oh well. It's probably good for me.

Another funny thing she has been doing for awhile is that whenever anyone farts (which unfortunately is kind of often in this household) she says "aaahewwwww!" She probably picked that up from me in reaction to Bob. Bob takes mine in stride. This morning it was hilarious when she had a particularly nasty toot, and she said to herself "aaahewwww!" Although she looked satisfied and relieved at the same time. I am just so afraid that one day we are going to go out in public and she's going to hear someone fart and she's going to tell them "aaahewww!" We would both be so embarrassed. The farter and me that is. Lilli would be fine with it.


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