Thursday, March 31, 2005

Baby. . . or alien life form??

After I posted about Lilli's recent frustration with our inability to understand her, and OUR frustration with our inability to understand her, suddenly she's started to communicate much better. For example, she's been saying "all done" and "all gone" for awhile now, but recently she's been using them in very appropriate and informative ways. Instead of screaming and hollering and spitting out whatever food we give her at mealtime when she's full, she just smiles at us and says "all done." And then I say "ok Lilli!" Behold! The wonders of linguistic communication!!! When she wants us to pick her up she says "up!" instead of "ah ah ah ah." Lovely. She even said "poop" once today when she farted! Not perfect but pretty close!

She's been trying to give us more complicated instructions as well, but those are much more difficult to decipher, especially as they mainly consist of baby blabberings. She kind of reminds me of some sort of superior alien life form that has descended upon us to instruct us in a higher level of existence and is totally and completely frustrated by our idiocy and inability to understand the simplest of alien commands. For all I know, she may indeed be telling us how to build a spaceship to the mother planet. That's what of what her long winded nonsense speeches sound like. In any case, we do know who is in charge around here. We exist but to serve.

But anyway, I guess she's getting tired of trying to get us dummies to learn her language and is deigning now to learn ours. Phew!


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