Monday, June 20, 2005


I jinxed myself again. How you may ask? I bragged about my baby's sleeping habits on the internet. Everytime I do that, things start going in totally the opposite direction. In fact, we have not had a good night's sleep in this house since the last time I posted. How do you like that for a jinx? I should have knocked on wood! Darn my lack of superstition!

You see, we were so overconfident in our success that we decided to move the crib back into the nursery. We had planned on doing it for awhile, but hadn't seemed to get around to it. Now that she had actually asked to go in her crib, we thought this might be a good time. WRONG. She laid down by herself in our bed when I turned out the light, so I thought it was a good time to move her to the crib. Well, the crib was not how she had remembered it, and I forgot that babies are creatures of habit. She wanted that crib back next to our bed and she was going to cry cry cry until it magically returned to its proper place. I'd put her in her crib and she'd yell UP UP UP! and then I'd move her to our bed and she'd point to where her crib used to be and even more hysterically demand BABY'S NIGH NIGH! I was at a loss. Nothing would please her. After an hour and a half of this she finally wore herself out enough that I was able to cuddle her really tightly and shush in her ear until she FINALLY went to sleep. It was perhaps the most grateful I have ever been to finally get her to go to sleep. I thought it would never happen.

THEN, the next night she started to get a cold, and kept waking up every few hours because she couldn't breathe through her nose and her pillow was soaked in baby drool. So we brought her to bed with us but she tossed and turned (on the top of me) and kicked Bob and generally made a nuisance of herself. So not good sleep that night either.

And she's had that cold ever since. Her naps are even curtailed to about 45 minutes each. So we are tired. And she is cranky. Why have the sleep gods abandoned us? Why? Why?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

you seem like such an intelligent person. I just don't understand why YOU don't make the decisions and stand by it with conviction. it sounds like she calls all her shots.

2:20 PM  
Blogger mariko said...

Maybe I'm a stupid person. But I don't like for my baby to cry. Hysterically. There is a difference between whininess and genuine distress. I may not have understood why the crib moving distressed her so much, but nonetheless it did, and I wanted to be sensitive to that. We DO make the decisions. But there is a fine line between "conviction" and "insensitivity." In my opinion.

9:55 PM  

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