Thursday, August 12, 2004

Lilli's new teeth are very cute (the top ones have a huge gap!) but they can also be very vexing. I thought before that just the bottom teeth hurt when she bit me, but today she bit me with both sets and OUCH!! I didn't mean to yell but when your poor little nipple is gnashed into by those sharp little things you really can't help it. She just looked at me, suprised, like "what??" At least she doesn't do it on purpose anymore. When she first got teeth she would do it just because she could and because she liked the reaction. Then she stopped doing it when I read about this technique where as soon as you sense the baby is about the bite you (which I could as she would always do it at the end of a feeding when she was getting bored) you pull her into you rather than away so that she can't breathe easily and so let's go. (Was that a totally confusing run on sentence??) Now I think she does it because those big teeth get in the way! When she hasn't latched on well she'll try to get a better grip and here come the chompers. I'm actually surprised that she doesn't bite more andor that I don't feel the teeth at all when she's nursing normally. Quite a big relief actually. I dreaded the coming of those teeth.

Tonight, a couple of hours after I put her to bed, she woke up and so I went in to her and she was doing the strangest little cry. I swear, she sounded just like a sheep!: baaa baaa baaa. Usually she quiets right away when she sees me too, but I don't know why she just kept baaing. Maybe she was still half asleep. As soon as I nursed her though she came to her senses and was very pleased to see me and drifted back to snoozyland. Which is where I am heading as well . . .


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