Monday, October 04, 2004

I made Lilli some millet and red lentil cereal today and for dinner I mixed it with squash and yogurt. WELL, miracle of miracles, she decided she really liked this combination and after it was all gone she ate MORE cereal and MORE yogurt! Oh my goodness. This is big news in this household.

I've also been watching her play today, and noticing all the things she does. First of all, she loves to get two things, preferably of the same type, and bang them together. Sometimes this is satisfying. Sometimes this is not. When it is two hard blocks, very satisfying. And also hard to hear the TV. When it is two Cheerios, mmm, not so good. But she is figuring this out. The other thing she likes to do is get an object, preferably the phone or remote control or other object with many interesting and colorful buttons, study it from all angles, and then finally put it in her mouth. I wonder what she learns by putting it in her mouth that her hands can't tell her? The taste of yummy plastic? If the said object is too small to grasp with two hands, such as aforementioned Cheerio, she very carefully works to get it just right between her thumb and forefinger so that it is perched at the tip of her little pincer grasp, and then she slowly manoevers this towards her mouth and takes a little nibble with her front teeth before sucking on it. SOMETIMES, some other interesting object, such as a telephone, will suddenly come into her line of sight and she will promptly forget the Cheerio and all the work that went into picking it up, and drop it immediately like a hot potato.

And have I mentioned how incredibly frickin' STRONG she is getting?? The other night we were at Bob's aunt and uncle's house and they had these ball shaped three pound weights. Well, she loves round objects, especially plastic, green ones, and so she was joyfully playing with these weights. Well, to our surprise, she managed to PICK UP these weights and would have picked them both up at once if they hadn't been too big to pick up with one hand each. That frustrated her though. She wanted them both so she could bang them together! She had to resign herself to taking turns picking one up, then leaning down the taste the other one.

Lastly for tonight, she is learning the fine art of kissing. For awhile there she thought kissing meant to bite mama's lip really hard and then smile afterward, but now she's figuring out how to lean in and lightly press her lips to mine. Seriously, it makes the whole waking up in the middle of the night thing worth it. Bob is jealous because he hasn't gotten a kiss yet, he he. ;) The other thing she likes is for me to kiss any object she is playing with. For example, she'll be playing with a spoon and she'll make a gesture like she is offering it to me but if I try to take it she gets mad. If I kiss it she gets all happy and smiley like I finally figured out what she wanted me to do and that she doesn't want to share.

Oh, and I said the last paragraph was the last but I lied. Because I just have to mention how cute it is that she is waving now. She waves like crazy. At everyone. Or everything. And at herself. Everytime I walk into a room after I've been gone for like five seconds she waves. And she also waves goodbye when friends leave. And she looks so pleased with herself. In fact, she's so amazed at her new skill that midwave she will often turn her hand towards herself and wave towards herself with a look of amazement on her face like wow! I can move my fingers in the most remarkable way! I wish I could take such satisfaction out of the simplest things!


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