Friday, October 08, 2004

Lilli was so good today. I'm not sure what I did to deserve it! She spent a lot of time playing by herself with her toys, especially her mirror. She just, literally, cracks herself up!! And boy can she scoot now. She is getting fast. Before I can stop her she'll be into something and I'll say "no no" and she knows what I'm saying but she just gives me a look that says "but mom!" and keeps on doing it. I can't wait until she is thirteen. But other than that she was good. :) She also spent a lot of time with me in my lap today. Some days she is a little cuddle bunny. Some days she's not. I like the cuddle bunny days. She is very cuddly after all. Got to make the most of it while I can. We read a couple of books today and she LOVES it when I make animal sounds and pretend I am a cat. Boy, that just cracks her up.

We also took her to the doctor the other day because she has a cold. Well, actually, what happened is that she must have had some mucus in her throat and she threw up a little and paranoid and overprotective parents that we are we immediately rushed her to the doctor. What we learned is that she is in absolutely perfect health besides the whole mucus thing and that she weighs almost 25 pounds now. I'm glad they took the time to squeeze us in.

I also spent another BUTTLOAD of money on clothes for her. It just never stops, partly because she never stops growing and partly because I . . .CAN'T. . .STOP. There are just so many cute clothes out there. Right now I am bidding on a gymboree coat on eBay. It is sold out at Gymboree and if I don't get, I just don't know what I'll do. Oh, the dilemmas and drama of my life. . . *sigh*.


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