Sunday, April 17, 2005

Eight is Enough

Well, I think we HAVE discovered the scapegoat for at least some of our sleeping problems. We had suspected, but have now confirmed, our belief that a massive number of new teeth are invading Lilli's little mouth. The current total? Eight new teeth! They are all in varying degrees of protrusion. Some have pierced her tender little gum flesh while some are little swollen bumps. However, which are visible tooth stumps and which are gum bumps do not follow any logical order. You would imagine that the lower inside teeth would come in first, but that doesn't seem to be the case. Strangely enough, the most visible one is the upper right, FOURTH from the middle, meaning between her honkin huge new tooth and her existing teeth is a rather large gap with a little speck of white. Meanwhile, the upper teeth on the other side of her mouth are barely discernible. Someone told me sometime that in some African cultures if the teeth come in the wrong order than it is taken as a bad omen and the children are drowned in the river. Thank goodness we don't live near a river! Or in Africa! Anyway, all these teeth are making her rather grumpy in addition to her not being able to sleep well, and Bob and I miss are usually cheerful little munchkin. At least we are getting them over with all at once.

She did have a rather high fever last week, and although I've read that it is an old wives' tale that teething causes fever and such, there were no other symptoms and I can think of no other reason for such a mysterious fever. Any of you with children have opinions on this?

In other news, I am eating my words that Lilli is proving not to be outdoorsy. On the CONTRARY these days she stands at the door yanking on the door knob and screaming GO! GO! This is fine, except that it means I have to go pick up dog turds in the back yard first. Fun times.


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